keishla villafane rivera photo
If you pay much attention to beauty contests around the world tan you probably know of the lovely keishla villafane rivera, she won miss puerto rico last year in august and rightly so. Personaly, I belive keishla villafane rivera could win miss universe with her looks because she is absolutely stunning. I’ve been looking for keishla villafane rivera pics to back up my statements but could unfortunately not find any. The only one I found was a small one all fuzzy so I left it. Unfortunately, it seams as though the beauty queen has gotten her self in to some trubles. If I got it straight the miss puerto rico petite beauty queen is getting fired.
Updated a few hours later
Actualy i did find you a keishla villafane rivera photo and this totaly proves my point.
she is totaly namazing
here is the keishla villafane rivera picture
Agree, shes stunning?
Update a few weeks later:
I removed the photo, it made the blogg look cheezy:S when i find a good pic where she actualy wears cloats ill add it my apologies.